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AGITO has mastered the art of Intralogistics. 


Allow us to solve your problems by ensuring the optimisation, integration, automation and management of the flow of information and material goods within your distribution centre work efficiently.

Herrringbone Conveyor

Move your
business forward

Contact us today to see how we can move your business and supply chain forward. 

Challenged with rising operating costs and increasing volumes? We know that in the express delivery and postal industry you seek systems that are both flexible, scalable and economically viable while complying with OHS&S legislation. 


We develop small to large sortation systems both in house and in conjunction with world leading suppliers who specialise in parcel sortation solutions.


Our integrated solutions combine sortation systems with auxiliary conveyors, platforms, data acquisition systems and complete process system intelligence software. You will find a complete integrated process to meet your needs.

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1 Freight Road
Kenwick WA 6107

p +61 8 9334 9200


18 Binney Road
Kings Park NSW 2147
p +61 2 9676 3900



Unit 6B Vantage Park
Huntingdon UK PE29 6SR
p +44 1480 557 303


Estrada do Polígono dos Álamos, Nº 30
2600-660 Castanheira do Ribatejo
p +351 925 571 948

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